How to work with a plan manager to find support plan NDIS services that are right for you

August 22, 2022

Support Plan NDIS

A plan manager takes the hard work out of your NDIS experience so that you can enjoy the things you love doing most. 

If you’re currently managing your own plan, but are looking for a support plan NDIS services that work for you, here are the three main reasons why it might be time to consider getting the assistance of a plan manager. 

  1. Plan managers know everything about the different NDIS Categories of Support, and can help you make the most of your funding 

A plan manager works with you to help make the most of your plan funds and ensures you understand the different NDIS Categories of Support, including what you’re eligible for. The service they provide is called “NDIS Plan Management”, which might be referred to as Improved Life Choices, CB Choice and Control in your plan.   

A plan manager’s primary responsibility is to deliver support plan NDIS services that include providing you with tailored advice on how you can (and should) be spending your budget to maximise services.  

They’ll also manage your budget and keep you informed of any remaining or low funds. 

A common misconception we often hear about plan management is that the only way to have control over your NDIS plan is to self-manage, but we assure you this is not the case. Plan managers work independently to the NDIS and NDIA, so that you can receive trusted support plan NDIS services.  

Disability Plan Services’ support plan NDIS services are a collaborative approach to ensure you have a say on how your funds are spent.When you choose to engage Disability Plan Services (DPS) as your plan management provider, you’ll be matched with someone who goes above and beyond to facilitate the best supports for you as well as provide personalised advice that suits your individual needs and goals. This means that when your plan review (or plan reassessment) rolls around, your plan manager will be able to help you prepare by collating evidence that’s relevant to your disability to get you the funding you require for the year ahead. Additionally, they will advocate for you and your needs during the meeting. 

  1. Plan managers look after the ongoing financial administration of your plan 

If you’re not savvy with money and finances, having a plan manager in your corner allows you to stress less about your bills being paid on time, or your receipts and invoices being kept in an appropriate manner. If you are to be audited by the NDIA, you can rest assured your plan manager has abided by the appropriate record-keeping guidelines. 

  1. Plan managers adhere to the NDIS Pricing Arrangements, Price Limits and other requirements outlined by the NDIA 

When you have a plan manager from Disability Plan Services in your corner, you don’t need to worry about adhering to the strict guidelines outlined by the NDIA – DPS has you covered. They’re familiar with items such as price increases, legislation amendments, and more, and will adjust your plan accordingly. 

Recently, the NDIA released a list of changes to the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits. This was formerly known as the NDIS Price Guide. These changes came in effect on 1 July 2022. The changes brought about price increases, plan budget increases and a change to cancellation policies.  

The Disability Plan Services team has compiled the highlights here for you, to help you understand how your plan may be affected.  

Alternatively, if you’re already a Disability Plan Services client, reach out to your plan manager who would be more than happy to go through these changes over the phone or in-person. 

Connecting with A Plan Manager 

Read all the benefits of having a plan manager, but aren’t sure how to connect with one? It’s easy. 

  1. During your planning meeting with the NDIS, inform the staff that you would like a plan manager from Disability Plan Services to support you. From there, the NDIS will include funding in your plan to pay for your plan manager. The good news is funding for a plan manager does not take away money from your other services and supports in your budget. 
  1. If you are self-managing your NDIS plan and would prefer to have Disability Plan Services manage your plan, call the NDIS on 1800 800 110 to enquire about including plan management in your existing plan. 

Whether you’re looking for NDIS Specialist Support Coordination or plan management services from an NDIS registered provider you can trust, Disability Plan Services can help. Get in touch today by calling 1800 312 870 or emailing