During COVID-19, Disability Plan Services is here for your Plan Managed NDIS needs

July 25, 2022

Plan Managed NDIS

With ever-changing rules and regulations during these unprecedented times due to COVID-19, we understand things may be confusing, and sudden changes to your daily routine may have an impacts on your wellbeing.  

Despite most COVID-19 restrictions being lifted by the Queensland Government, it’s important to stay up-to-date with developments, including outbreaks and new strains, so you can stay safe and healthy.  

As a registered third-party provider of plan management and support coordination, our team at Disability Plan Services focuses on improving the quality of life of people with disabilities – and this is more important than ever during these uncertain times. 


How you can access plan management and support coordination during COVID-19 

If you’re a support coordination client or plan managed NDIS client of Disability Plan Services, you can feel confident in knowing our team is available to you regardless of your personal situation – meaning you can always call or email us with any questions you have and we’ll always get back to you in a timely manner. 

Staying home and don’t want to visit one of our office locations in-person? You can always contact us on 1800 312 870, five days a week from 9 am to 5 pm, or email info@disabilityplanservices.com.au. Our team can even arrange a video conference call if you’d prefer to arrange a virtual meeting!  

Whether you’re concerned about how you can access services during travel restrictions or if you’ll be able to modify your plan to cater to your personal needs, we’re here to help make ensure your Plan Managed NDIS support continues as usual and you keep receiving the assistance you need. 

Our NDIS Plan Managers and support coordinators can explore alternative and safe options for your supports, such as: 

  • ways to communicate with your service providers,  including virtual or socially distanced methods 
  • how to connect you with support systems and groups to help manage and discuss any concerns you have about COVID-19 
  • ways for you to alter your plan to suit your circumstances and needs 
  • alternative ways for you to access and enjoy social activities. 


As an NDIS Plan Management provider, we take the time to get to know you and understand what you want and need so you can rest assured that we’re always doing what’s best for you. If you want to learn more about how our team at Disability Plan Services can ensure you’re safely having your Plan Managed NDIS needs , contact us here. 



COVID-19 updates (as at August 2022) and what they mean for you 


You no longer need to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test to meet Australian inbound travel requirements. However, some countries, airlines and vessel operators may require a pre-departure test result at check-in before you can board your flight or ship. There are currently no domestic border restrictions for people entering Queensland from other States and Territories.* 

However, while you are in Queensland you must still: 

  • monitor your health and get tested if you develop any COVID-19 symptoms 
  • follow face mask requirements. 

Face masks 

Face masks are currently required:  

  • in healthcare settings, residential aged care, disability accommodation, prisons and detention centres 
  • on public transport, including while waiting on the platform or at a stop 
  • in a taxi, rideshare vehicle or commercial shuttle, including while waiting at a taxi rank or pick-up area 
  • on planes and while at the airport 
  • if you’re diagnosed with COVID-19, are a close contact, or are an international traveller (in accordance with other public health directions) 
  • when outside of your home or accommodation if you have a temperature equal to or higher than 37.5°C, you have COVID-19 symptoms, or if you’re awaiting a COVID-19 PCR test result. 

Masks are still recommended wherever you can’t socially distance and those over 65 years and immunosuppressed people who wish to wear a face mask are recommended to do so in crowded places until at least 31 August 2022.* 


The Australian Government has recently announced an additional booster (or fourth dose) of vaccination against COVID-19 is recommended for those 16 years or older with a disability and significant or complex health needs or multiple comorbidities which increase risk of poor outcome.* 

For more information and specific recommendations on COVID-19 vaccination boosters catered personally to you, it’s important to talk with a health expert, and our team at Disability Plan Services can help find you the right professional to chat with. 


*Australian Government, 2022