NDIS plan management myth busting

September 27, 2020

NDIS plan management

NDIS plan management myth busting

If you’re new to the NDIS or have never previously received funding in your plan for NDIS plan management, chances are you probably have a few questions!

It’s normal to have questions about your plan With so much misinformation out there, we thought we would take this opportunity to debunk some of the most common NDIS plan management myths and help clear the air.

If you still have questions about how NDIS plan management works, get in touch with us.

MYTH: You have to pass an eligibility assessment to access NDIS plan management

BUSTED: Everyone with an NDIS plan is actually eligible for plan management and all you need to do for funding is request it at your planning meeting or plan review. This is because there is no eligibility criteria for plan management. The NDIS Act states the “NDIA must give effect to a participant’s plan management request”.

If you’re unsure whether plan management may be right for you or want help requesting an early plan review to have funding for plan management added, get in touch with the team at Disability Plan Services.

MYTH: It’s difficult to obtain funding for NDIS plan management

BUSTED: This is completely untrue. Because there is no eligibility criteria for NDIS plan management, obtaining funding for it within your plan couldn’t be easier. If you ask the NDIA to provide you with funding for plan management, they will add it to your next plan without any explanation required.

Did you know? You can even request an early plan review if you need to change your plan before your next scheduled review date. This can be done by completing a Change in Circumstances form and you may be required to provide information to support your request.

MYTH: Plan management means you have no control over your plan

BUSTED: This couldn’t be further from the truth! A Plan Manager works with you to understand what you want and need from your plan and helps you to find the best ways to utilise the funding that you have, and even help you to receive any extra funding that you may need.

You remain in complete control over how your funds are spent.

MYTH: A Plan Manager’s job is to just pay your invoices

BUSTED: Although a Plan Manager pays all of your disability supports on your behalf, their job involves so much more than that.

Your Plan Manager will handle all record-keeping for your plan to ensure you are always complying with the NDIA’s requirements, they will manage your budget and keep you informed, they will make recommendations on how to best utilise your funds, help you prepare for NDIS plan reviews, negotiate the best possible rates with your service provides and help you to understand and navigate the NDIS.

Your Plan Manager’s job is to take the stress and confusion out of managing your plan funds. If your current Plan Manager isn’t doing that, get in touch with us today.

MYTH: A Plan Manager will find service providers for you

BUSTED: A Plan Manager’s job isn’t to connect you with disability supports but to manage your plan funds. A Support Coordinator’s role is to connect you with supports and resolve any issues you may have with providers.

Although you cannot simply request funding for NDIS support coordination in your plan, like you can like NDIS plan management, you may be eligible to access a Support Coordinator if you don’t have an informal support network to help you, are new to the NDIS and need assistance, or if you are likely to develop the skills and confidence needed to connect with your own supports after the help of a Support Coordinator for some time.

To learn more about NDIS support coordination, click here.

MYTH: NDIS plan management and support coordination are the same thing

BUSTED: Although the role of both supports is to help with your NDIS plan, plan management and support coordination are in fact two separate supports that work differently.

In a nutshell, plan management is all about how you choose to look after your NDIS plan funding, and support coordination is getting help to put your plan into action with the right service providers.

To learn more about the differences between plan management and support coordination, read our blog post.

If you’re still unsure about which NDIS plan management option is the best for you, you may benefit from developing an NDIS planning guide. A planning guide can help you to think about your goals, your current supports and the supports you might need in the future.

For help developing your own personal NDIS planning guide or for more information about NDIS plan management, speak to the team at Disability Plan Services today!