Unpacking your NDIS Plan funding

November 29, 2021

NDIS plan

If you have recently received your NDIS plan, you might be a little unsure about how to navigate some the terminology. Although it might seem a bit overwhelming at first, it’s important to have a basic understanding of your NDIS plan so that you can make informed decisions about your plan and supports to reach your goals. 

As registered NDIS Provider, the team at Disability Plan Services have helped many people who are new to the NDIS. To help get you started on your NDIS journey, we have unpacked the funding terminology that appears within your plan, including details of the three funded support categories – core, capital and capacity building NDIS


Differences between core, capital and capacity building NDIS

If you are reading your NDIS plan, you might see that you have funding for all or some of the following categories: core, capital and capacity building NDIS. It’s helpful to have a basic understanding about what each of these categories mean so that you can make the most of your funding. 

  • Core Supports includes activities that help you with everyday life, like cooking a meal or attending a social activity. For example, if your goal is to engage more with your community, then you might receive funding for a social worker that will help you participate in activities. 


  • Capital Supports includes funding for larger expenses such as modifications to your home and assistive technologies. For example, if you have a mobility problem that impacts your ability to walk, you might be eligible for a wheelchair to make life a little easier for you. 
  • Capacity Building Supports are designed to help you build the skills to live more independently. For example, if you require some extra support managing the financial administration of your NDIS plan funding, you can receive funding for an NDIS Plan Manager, such as Disability Plan Services.

The funding you will receive for each of these categories will depend on what is deemed ‘reasonable and necessary’ by the NDIS. The NDIS will consider a range of things including your personal circumstances, your short and long term goals, and access to existing support from family, friends and other government services. 


Core Supports 

As the name suggests, core supports are there to assist you with everyday life. Core supports are usually the most flexible type of support, and most of the time you will be able to use your funding across a range of categories, including: 

Assistance with daily life

This category of support aims to help you live as independently as possible. This will include assistance with personal activities, household cleaning and tasks, yard maintenance and preparation of food.


These include items that you might need to assist you in everyday life. Consumables can include assistive technology to improve mobility, continence products, and personal or safety items. 

Assistance with social and community participation: 

This type of support is designed to help you engage in community and social activities, such as sports, art classes or library sessions. An example of this may be a social worker to help you participate in social and community activities


If you cannot use public transport and require assistance travelling around your community, then you might be eligible for funding for this type of support. You will receive funding for transport that helps you get to places that contribute to achieving your goals. The level of support you will receive for transport will depend on your circumstances, and not all plans will include this type of funding. 


Capital Supports 

The unique thing about the Capital Supports budget is that this type of funding is allocated for very specific purposes only. Capital supports include larger expenses such as assistive technology, equipment, home or vehicle modifications, or one-off purchases such as Specialist Disability Accommodation. These categories include: 

Assistive technology

Equipment for mobility, personal care, communication and recreational inclusion such as wheelchairs or vehicle modifications

Home modifications 

Home modifications such as installation of a hand rail in a bathroom, or Specialist Disability Accommodation for participants who require special housing because of their disability

Capital support assistive technology ranges from Level 1 (Basic Assistive Technology) such as non-slip bathmats up to Level 4 (Complex Assistive Technology) for custom-made wheelchairs and hearing aids. Learn more about assistive technology and capital supports in our blog


Capacity Buildings Supports 

In addition to your Core Supports, Capacity Building Supports help to build your skills and independence to help you achieve your goals. There are nine Capacity Building Support categories. The funding you receive for each category will depend on what your NDIS plan goals are. Unlike Core Supports, you cannot move your funding from one category to another. Find out more about the categories within Capacity Building Supports in our blog

One of the most common categories of Capacity Building Support is Support Coordination. Support Coordination is facilitated by a Support Coordinator, whose primary role is to ensure your plan is properly put into place, link you to community and other supports to help you live more independently. 

At Disability Plan Services, our experienced team of Support Coordinators are passionate about finding the right supports to help you achieve your goals. We are real people who can help to find and negotiate with providers, build your skills or manage challenges in your environment. Our NDIS Support Coordinators want to make a genuine difference in people’s lives, connecting you with local health professionals so that you can optimise your NDIS plan funds and achieve your goals.

Read more about the benefits of support coordination in our blog. 


How to use NDIS Funding

As a registered NDIS provider, the team at Disability Plan Services have extensive knowledge of the NDIS. Our team of Plan Managers and Support Coordinators can work with you to help you get the most of out of your NDIS plan funding. We can also help you prepare for your next NDIA meeting, to make sure you a receiving the right funding for your circumstances.


Discuss your NDIS plan with the team at Disability Plan Services by calling 1800 312 870 or email info@disabilityplanservices.com.au.