How to Apply for NDIS Funding

April 18, 2020

How to apply for NDIS funding

How to Apply for NDIS Funding


If you have a disability, you may be eligible to receive funding through the NDIS to access supports you require. Before completing your NDIS funding application, the NDIS requires you to first assess your eligibility. To check if you’re eligible, visit the NDIS website.

After establishing your eligibility, you may be wondering how to get NDIS funding. In this short guide, we will explain how to apply for NDIS funding, step-by-step and everything you need to know.

  1. Confirm your eligibility

If you’re aged between 7 and 65, are an Australian citizen or permanent resident and require support due to a permanent and significant disability or developmental delay, you should be eligible to receive funding.

  1. How to apply for NDIS funding

If you’re confident that you’re eligible to access funding, you can call the NDIA to make an Access Request over the phone or you can complete the access request form on paper.

During your access request, you will be asked a series of questions about yourself and your disability. Your doctor or other health professional may also be required to submit evidence of your disability and its impact on your life.

To make your access request, call 1800 800 110 or speak to us today for help applying.

  1. Begin preparing for your planning meeting

If your access request is approved, your next step will be to meet with a local NDIA coordinator for your planning meeting. This is an important part of creating your NDIS plan. Your NDIS plan determines your goals and how your funding can be used. Your NDIS plan is personalised to you and will support you in achieving your goals.

Your NDIS planning meeting can be conducted either in person or over the phone – whichever options suits you best.

It is important to be prepared for your planning meeting. You can do this by gathering the information the NDIS requires about you to create your plan and considering your goals. More information about what you should prepare can be found here.

  1. During your planning meeting

At your planning meeting, you will likely be asked similar questions to those you answered to confirm your eligibility and during your access request.

In addition to these questions, you will be asked about what supports you are currently receiving, either from service providers, the local community or your friends and family.

The most important part of your planning meeting is setting your goals. Establishing your short and long term goals will help identify what supports you require in order to reach these goals and enjoy a fulfilling life.

At your planning meeting you will also be asked how you want to manage your plan funding. More information on your plan management options can be found here.

  1. Receiving your approved NDIS plan

After your planning meeting, the NDIA will prepare your approved NDIS plan and provide it to you either in person or they will mail it to your address. If you have vision or hearing impairment, you may request for your plan to be provided in a different accessible format such as Braille, electronic text (on CD), large print or audio (on CD). You can also have your plan translated in your preferred language.

Your plan will usually be in place for a period of 12 months, unless otherwise stated.

  1. Using your plan funds to access supports

Now that you have your approved NDIS plan, you can begin accessing your funding for the supports you require. Depending on how you chose to have your plan funds managed, either by the NDIA, self-managed or managed by a registered third-party such as Disability Plan Services, how you access your funding and pay service providers will differ.

At Disability Plan Services, we pay bills on your behalf and handle all the record-keeping. We manage your plan budget and provide you with advice on how to best use your available funding in order to reach your goals.

To discuss how we can help manage your NDIS funding and find you supports, contact us today.

  1. Your ongoing journey with the NDIS

Your NDIS plan will continue for a period of 12 months until you are due for a plan review. Your plan review is your opportunity to discuss any issues you have and make any changes required for the next 12 months.

You may find that during this time you no longer require some supports, such as assistance with cooking and shopping, but you would now like more support with accessing community activities.

If your disability needs or living circumstances change before your scheduled plan review, you should request a plan review. Depending on the circumstances, the NDIS may or may not need to review and change your plan.

We hope this guide has helped you to understand how to apply for NDIS funding and how your journey with the NDIS works. Ultimately, the NDIS was designed to work for participants and your plan should always help you to achieve your long-term goals.

For more help with your NDIS plan, funding and supports, contact the team at Disability Plan Services.