What are NDIS plan management rules?

November 10, 2020

NDIS plan management rules

What are NDIS plan management rules?

With thousands of providers offering disability support services to more than 400,000 participants across Australia, it’s important that the NDIS is governed by rules that protect both participants and providers.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (NDIS Act) is the legislation which established the NDIS and the National Disability Insurance Scheme Launch Transition Agency (known as the National Disability Insurance Agency or NDIA).

The NDIS also sets out the NDIS Rules which are legislative instructions made under the Act. There are a number of Rules for each area of the NDIS, such as becoming a participant, children, supports for participants, nominees and plan management, among others.

As one of the most popular options for managing the finances of your plan, it’s important that participants are aware of the NDIS plan management rules and operational guidelines.

NDIS plan management rules

The NDIS plan management rules outline the decisions the NDIA makes surrounding funded supports in a participant’s plan, including plan management. These rules are guided by NDIS legislation and operational guidelines.

Outlined in the NDIS plan management rules is the following four areas:

  • When self-managing of funding will pose unreasonable risk to participant
  • Payment of NDIS amounts
  • Grace period for temporary absences from Australia, and
  • Describing supports in participant’s plan.

By following these rules and set NDIS plan management terms, the NDIS can ensure that participants and service providers are using the same language and terminology to make it easier for everyone to understand and make informed decisions.

The language and terminology used within the NDIS plan management rules can be confusing to understand, so we’ve broken down each of the four areas into some simple points that are easier to follow!

If you have any questions about plan management, contact the team at Disability Plan Services.

  1. Identifying risk with self-managing plan funds

The Rules outline situations where different types of risk may prevent a participant from self-managing their own plan funds.

If a participant wishes to self-manage their plan funds but the NDIS deems this may be a risk to their own wellbeing, the NDIS may deny the request to self-manage.

The following are some risks to self-managing:

  • If self-managing may cause physical, mental or financial harm to the participant
  • If the participant is unable to make decisions or manage finances
  1. Paying NDIS funds

As part of your plan, you receive funds to pay for specific disability supports that you need to achieve your goals. As per the Rules, your NDIS funds are to be paid to you or to the person who is managing your plan funds, like your Plan Manager.

These payments will either be made as one single lump sum or in instalments to a nominated bank account.

  1. Overseas travel

The NDIS understands that overseas travel is a normal part of life for people with disability and without. While you are overseas, your NDIS plan will remain in place for a period of 6 weeks, however, this may be extended depending on individual circumstances.

  1. Describing supports

Some disability supports within your plan may be referred to in a general way such as referencing the purpose of the support, this allows the participant to have more flexibility over how those supports are delivered.

Some, however, might be listed with specific instructions that the participant must follow when purchasing or receiving these supports.

Factors that may influence whether a support is described more generally or specifically include how much the support costs, what risks are associated and whether a qualified specialist is required to deliver the supports.

A Plan Managers role is to help you make sense of your NDIS plan and give you the guidance you need to navigate your plan with confidence. Whether you want to remain in control of your plan funds or you’d prefer the help of someone you can trust, plan management is the ideal solution because it allows you the best of both worlds.

At Disability Plan Services, we are an independent NDIS registered provider of plan management with many years of experience. We take the time to get to know you and understand what you want and need so you can rest assured that we’re always doing what’s best for you.

Our experienced team handle all the difficult administration of your plan funds including paying suppliers, budgeting to ensure you maximise your funding and provide regular recommendations based on your funds and goals.

Contact us today by completing the form below.

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